The team at 198TILG Mass Media Support Team works with our clients to explore their local, regional, national and global Mass Media Campaign Needs

Yes, not everyone needs mass media campaign. But if you are a CEO, Celebrity, Politician, Business Owner, Start-Ups, Board Member, Thought Leaders, Authors, New Product Developers and Professional Artist.

198TILG Mass Media Consulting Team

#1 Critical reviews of who you are.. Craft Custom Media Kit

#2 Critical reviews of your current media presence

#3: Critical Review of your Branding Web Sites

CEO Web Site = Read more about you and what you do

CEO Blog Site = Read updates and other press about you

#4: Marketing Articles

#5: Newsbrief Articles

#6: Open Letters

#7: Article following your open letter

#8 Press Release following your article

#9 Local Newsbrief following your press release

#10 Linkedin Profile Updates to be consistent with your media presence

#11: Linkedin Pulse Articles to be consistent with your media presence

#12: Linkedin Group, Postings of your media presence 50 groups

#13: Google Plus Profile Updates and all media presence showing

#14: Custom Google plus with your media presence videos, articles, images and company logos and information

#14: Facebook Media Updates, Personal page, Business page,

#15: Facebook Groups, Media presence updates

#16: Youtube Channel Updates and Fully Functional with personal and business information

#17 Youtube Media Contents all Updates and consistent with who you are and what you do on a daily, weekly and monthly basis

#18: Vimeo Profile Fully created and Optimized to include all of your media presence

#19: Pinterest Boards Created and present your media updates

#20 Custom Listings at local, regional, national and global Directories that will help upload your media contents when releases.

#21: Craft Twitter Contents and ready for daily, weekly and monthly feeds

#22: Craft local Reviews

#23: Craft Local Press Releases

#24: Craft Local News Briefs to follow local press release

#25: Craft Local Classified Page with Blog, CEO web site and Free White Paper ready to be download to get more information before the major national and global press release is mounted

Why we require you to create and update all of the above?

#1 Media and your targeted audience wants consistencies, you want to provide them an avenue where to find more information about you, your business and community at large.

#2: Interested Parties may read about you, but  failed to act immediately. If they forget, and down the line remembers you but cannot find information about you, your business and/or services.. You want to make sure that your information is out there and anyone can access it anytime, any day, 24/7 365 days a year.


198TILG Mass Media Coaching Team

Why should you hire a media coach to help you review the critical analysis of your media presence?

#1 You want a professional to tell you what your potential clients will not tell you.

#2 You want an experienced and professional media coach to study you, your media materials, both offline and online and craft a compelling materials customized to

*1 Local Marketplace, Indians in Bangalore Tech Community

*2 National Marketplace: Indians at home and abroad

*3 Global Marketplace: Indians at home and all over the world

*3: Customize the right material per niche market, test the potential results before full press release

#4: Conduct a Survey of are the potential outcome of the Media Campaign

And arrive at the best media outlet to handle each phase of your mass

Media campaign

#5: Prepare the final Copy of the Mass Media Campaign, ready for

198TILG Mass Media Launch Manager.


198TILG Mass Media Launch Manager

Why should you hire a Mass Media Launch Manager to handle your Media Campaign?

#1, They are knowledgeable about how the media works and will review each of the phases and develop a 26, to 52 weeks Mass Media Campaign

#2: They will determine which strategies works for you.

30 days Test Mass Media launch US$1,200

26 Weeks Mass Media Campaign? US$ 5,590

52 Weeks Mass Media Campaigns?: US$12,990

#3: Search and Recruit all necessary local, regional, national and global media support team ready to launch the mass media campaign.

198TILG Mass Media Coach, team will be re-evaluated and either teams added to or completely dissolved and new team assembled and given a deadline to deliver or be gone!!

#4: Provide each Mass Media Support Team their respective Launch Date Schedules and monitor each activity

198TILG Mass Media Coaching Team, given a test launch to measure how effective the materials are.

#5: Recruit and get ready the following



10 Magnetic NewAge Mass Hypnotic SEO Contents Campaign

10 Magnetic NewAge Mass Hypnotic Local SEO Campaign

10 Magnetic NewAge Mass Hypnotic Blog Comments Campaign

10 Magnetic NewAge Mass Hypnotic Viral Video Campaign

10 Magnetic NewAge Mass Social Media Campaign

10 Magnetic NewAge Mass Hypnotic Fanpage Campaign

10 Magnetic NewAge Mass Hypnotic Mobile Site Campaign

10 Magnetic NewAge Mass Hypnotic Local Directory  Campaign

10 Magnetic NewAge Mass Hypnotic National Directory Campaign

10 Magnetic NewAge Mass Hypnotic Backlinks Campaign

10 Magnetic NewAge Mass Hypnotic Classified Ad Campaign

10 Magnetic NewAge Mass Hypnotic Forum Comments Campaign

10 Magnetic NewAge Mass Hypnotic L/R/N/G Pinterest Campaign

10 Magnetic NewAge Mass Hypnotic Article Marketing

10 Magnetic NewAge Mass Hypnotic eBook Campaign

10 Magnetic NewAge Mass Hypnotic Press Release Campaign

10 Magnetic NewAge Mass Hypnotic Marketing Article Campaign

10 Magnetic NewAge Mass Hypnotic News Brief Research and Writing

10 Magnetic NewAge Mass Hypnotic Video Testimonial

10 Magnetic NewAge Mass Hypnotic Local Reviews